After recently breaking up with my boyfriend of almost six years, dating is the furthest thing from my mind. I am quite content devoting all my spare time to my real loves, the buppies; Murry(pit-mix) and Lolly(Dane-boxer). So when it was suggested to me that I had replaced J. (my ex) with my dogs, I chuckled to myself thinking, how absurd! I went on to praising myself about what a great dog-mom I had become. They were getting more exercise than ever before, more attention and more affection.

However, the second time it was suggested I had replaced J. with the buppies, it caused me to pause for some reflection. I still went out to dinner with friends; although I came straight home so the buppies wouldn't be crated. I now use my lunch break every day to jog with them so they can get some exercise, but hey, I benefit from that, too. And ok, I did turn down several out-of- town invitations so I wouldn't have to board my babies. Oh, hell. When did this happen? And how many other people noticed I turned my dogs into my own personal dating blockade?

The imbalance was a little hard to ignore. As was the tape playing in my head reminding me I turn thirty this year. I TURN THIRTY THIS YEAR. Single and thirty, oh the horror! While all my "friends" are posting smiling pictures of their second and third babies, I'm posting pics of my dogs. The last one I posted was of Murry's poo and even I have to admit that was a new low.

With my "turning thirty" tape churning at full speed, I have decided it is time to get back out there. Having not “dated” since my early twenties (that’s pre-iPhone era, mind you) I’m a bit intimidated. Blind dates, online dating, speed dating, Christian dating, random meet-ups, lock & key this how people really meet now?

All of these methods have mixed reviews and not wanting to put all my eggs in one basket (or freezer), I have decided to try them all. I'll be writing about my progress here and I promise I won't hold back. Prepare to see my awkwardness shine!

First up?

Online dating. I wrote as honest of a profile as I could, and I anxiously awaited to see who my computer would “match” me up with. The moment of truth was coming; if they matched me with wackadoos, does that make me one, too? Can my endearing clumsiness and wit possibly be translated through a questionnaire? As the "matches" filtered in, I gazed down to Murry and let out a big sigh. Something tells me I'm going to be glad I have a blockade already in place.

Check back next week to see how my "first date" goes!

See My Work

“Eheu fugaces labuntur anni. Quam bene vivas refert non quam diu.”